terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2019


O tema está na ordem do dia e os nossos alunos têm sempre uma palavra a dizer sobre este assunto, que é do interesse de todos nós e do planeta inteiro. Muitos deles fazem-no de uma forma muito adulta e responsável, normalmente na sua língua materna. No entanto, o tema também é abordado com alguma frequência nas línguas estrangeiras e os alunos põem as suas competências linguísticas e comunicativas à prova, construindo interessantes textos, que nos dão lições de civismo e de cidadania, como o que a seguir se transcreve.

Being eco-friendly is really important for our planet. Some easy ways to be eco-friendly are: not buying plactic products, taking shorter showers, eating less meat, catching public transport, walking or riding a bike more often, always recycling and never throwing trash on the ground or in the ocean. In my opinion, every time someone goes to the beach and sees rubbish on the ground or water, he/she should pick it up and put it in the bin.
Buying synthetic clothes is also not eco-friendly, because when you wash these, basically made of plastic, the plastic particles end up in the ocean and then the fish that we eat end up eating those particles.
Something to keep in mind, water won’t last forever, and if we don’t save it, we could run out of it! It’s not that hard to do these things and they do make a difference! So if you’re having an iced tea or anything else to drink, ask for a cup, not a straw, or buy a metal straw! And if you buy a plastic bottle, reuse it, or recycle it, or buy a metal or glass one. It’s worth it!

Beatriz Vaze, 8.º B, n.º 2

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